Metrology & Applied Science

Metrology and applied science is the most important sector, which directly contributes to a country’s development. It ensures industrial development, scientific research, public health, environmental sustainability, and the overall growth of the country's economy. Metrology and applied science hold immense importance in the world as we are essential for accurate measurements, quality control, and scientific advancements.


Metrology is the science of measurement, and ICONIC Engineering Limited recognizes the criticality of precise and accurate measurements. The company specializes in providing advanced metrology solutions, including calibration services, measurement equipment, and laboratory design. By leveraging state-of-the-art technologies, such as coordinate measuring machines (CMM), laser scanning systems, and optical measurement instruments, ICONIC Engineering Limited ensures the highest level of accuracy and reliability in measurement processes.

Practically Complete Project

Healthcare sector, our metrological solutions facilitate precise medical measurements, supporting accurate diagnoses, treatment planning, and patient care. Moreover, ICONIC Engineering Limited's contributions to applied science in healthcare enable advancements in areas such as pharmaceutical research, biomedical engineering, and medical device development.